The Dalai Lama looked at the moon
shining in the night sky and said,
“Isn’t it beautiful up there!
Everyone sighed and agreed.
“Ah, but we don’t live on the moon,” he said.
“Our job is to make it beautiful down here!”
Elwood's job is to be a “Good Will Ambassador” for Homeless Animals and those with Special Needs. Elwood is committed to spreading the message to everyone to:
- Adopt homeless animals from local shelters and rescue groups;
- Educate people on the importance of spaying and neutering their pets;
- Be Kind to Animals – Be Kind to the Earth – Be Kind to Each Other.
- And, most importantly laugh, smile & giggle…at least a few times everyday!
For such a little dog with an adorable face and a heart of gold he brings laughter and smiles to people everyday. Certainly doing his job to make our world a beautiful place!
ELWOOD has been awarded many special honors for his dedication and commitment to
helping homeless animals while spreading his message of kindness and tolerance.
27th Annual Doo Dah Parade Award 2012 - in appreciation of Elwood's support for Humane Society Shelters and pets in need of a home.
Humane Society of Ocean City 2009 Education Leadership Award - for Elwood's continued effort to educate people, especially children, about the importance of supporting shelters and adopting homeless animals.
New Jersey Veterinary Association 2008 Hall of Fame - Animal Welfare Award for Elwood's outstanding effort to remind people to adopt homeless animals, spay/neuter all pets, and it's OK to be different whether you are two-legged or four- legged.
And of course, spreading his message of tolerance and love for all beings.
New Jersey Monthly Magazine - 2008 Best of New Jersey Edition - Most Inspirational Dog of New Jersey for Elwood's charitable contributions and fundraising efforts to help homeless animals throughout NJ.
Monmouth County SPCA - Three Wags Award for being a "Good Will Ambassador" to All Homeless Animals...big, small, beautiful, and ugly.
2008 Sonoma-Marin Fair Ugly Dog Contest - Munchkin's Congeniality Award chosen by Elwood's peers for being the most "likeable dog" in the contest.
Washington Township - Mayoral Proclamation in recognition of Elwood's charitable contribution as a "Good Will Ambassador" for homeless animals and those with special needs, while advocating adoption for animals and certainly making a difference in the lives of many unwanted animals.
Memorial School 4th Grade Students - Certificate of Appreciation for helping recognize animals in danger and giving them a home and a second chance!
Animal Friends Foundation, Inc. - Certificate of Appreciation in recognition of Elwood's vital support given to the welfare and protection of animals.